A Brief History of Coffee: From Ethiopia to Your Cup

The History and Global Impact of Coffee: From Ethiopia to Your Cup

Coffee has a fascinating history that spans continents and centuries. In this article, we’ll explore the origins of coffee and its journey to becoming a beloved global drink.

According to legend, coffee was first discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia in the 9th century. It was consumed in various forms until a goatherd named Kaldi noticed the energizing effect of the coffee berries on his goats.

From Ethiopia, coffee eventually made its way to the Middle East, where it became an integral part of Muslim culture during the Ottoman Empire. In the 15th century, coffeehouses known as “qahveh khaneh” emerged in cities across the Middle East, providing a space for people to socialize, discuss current events, and engage in intellectual pursuits.

Coffee’s popularity continued to grow, and it eventually reached Europe in the 17th century. The upper classes quickly embraced it as a fashionable drink, while in the New World, coffee played a vital role in the development of colonial society. Boston opened its first coffeehouse in 1670.

Today, coffee is grown in countries all over the world, with Brazil being the largest producer. The coffee industry employs millions of people and is a significant source of revenue for many countries.

As you can see, coffee has a rich and diverse history that continues to be celebrated today. If you’re looking to upgrade your home brewing setup, consider trying the Chemex Classic Series. Whether you prefer a classic cup of black coffee or an elaborate latte, there’s no denying the enduring appeal of this delicious beverage.





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